When you explore Sumeru’s Great Desert in Genshin Impact, some of the mechanics will glow red, indicating that you don’t have enough Clearance to use that switch. While some of these will disappear after completing the “Golden Slumber” world quest line, there are many more, and all players have to do is complete the world quest. So this guide will show players how to increase the clearance rate in Genshin Impact, and players will need to prepare enough Genshin Impact Genesis Crystals before completing the quest.
How to Get Permission in Genshin Impact
Players have to get enough Clearance by completing the Golden Slumber world quest and getting Scarlet Sand Slate. so players need to charge as much as possible and to get Clearance in the game, they need to perform the following actions.
1. Start playing the Golden Slumber World Mission, in which the player first needs to complete four sub-missions.
Lost on the Beach
Introduction to indoor archaeology
Ahmad’s Secret
Dreams under the scorching sand
2. After completing the above tasks, go and talk to Tirzad.
3. Then he will give you the red sand tablet.
4. Players can use the tablet to access equipment that was previously inaccessible in King Deshret.
How to increase Clearance of Genshin Impact
After completing all the “Golden Sleep” quest lines, wait until the next day, then teleport to the statue of the Seven next to Aru Village. The transition animation will trigger immediately and you will be given a new world questline: “Old Notes and New Friends”. In order to increase the ability to clear the original God Shock, players must pass the Golden Sleep and Double Evidence quests. This is a complete breakdown of each pass.
First Clearance
The first Clearance in Genshin Impact is obtained after reaching the highest floor of King Deshret’s tomb (after opening the coffin) in the Golden Sleep sub-quest called Al-Ahmar’s Secret.
Second Clearance
For the second Clearance, complete the Golden Sleep quest and start Double Evidence the next day. Follow the instructions on the tablet to get full Clearance in Duat Hall.
Third Clearance
Still on the Double Evidence Proto-God Impact quest, complete the Land of Rebirth trial to gain the third Clearance.
Fourth Clearance
Finally, for the fourth and final Clearance, complete the Double Evidence Quest for the Trial of the Breath.
Clearance of Khaj-Nisut
Players can also obtain some special Clearance. the Clearance of Khaj-Nisut is obtained when the traveler investigates the room located deep in the ruins during the secret subquest of Al-Ahmar.
Ferryman’s Clearance
Meanwhile, when the player starts the Double Evidence quest line, Ferryman’s Clearance is automatically added after talking to Soheil. if listed step by step, here is the order in which the clearance is obtained.
First Clearance: Golden Sleep: The Secret of Al-Ahmar
Clearance of Khaj-Nisut: Golden Sleep: The Secret of Al-Ahmar Boatman
Second Clearance: Double Evidence: Duat Hall
The Third Clearance: Double Evidence: The Trial of the Reborn Lands
The fourth Clearance: Double Evidence: Judgment of the Land of Breath
The above is a specific guide on how to increase Clearance in Protoss Impact. If you like this guide and would like to learn more about other strategies in Protoss Impact please subscribe to 600pu.com.